[LINK] Freeview Launches In Australia

Jan Whitaker jwhit at melbpc.org.au
Wed Nov 26 10:29:28 AEDT 2008

At 10:18 AM 26/11/2008, Michael Still wrote:
> > Damn. I was expecting my life to be transformed.

Can someone give a potted definition of Freeview please? I saw the 
flashy ad on TV 7 this week and couldn't make heads or tails of what 
it was. I haven't bothered going to the website after all the hubbub 
about it on Link. I'm not going to sit to wait for graphic of words 
to load on my computer. That's just daft.

They say it's free to air. How is it different from HD set-top box? 
Is it just rebranding of something that's already happening? Is it 
the enablement of the extra channels that the networks have been 
sitting on? What the h is it?


Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
jwhit at janwhitaker.com
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