[LINK] 'Net filters "required" for all Australians, no opt-out

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Oct 17 08:53:39 AEDT 2008

> Australians may not be able to opt out of the government's Internet  
> filtering initiative like they were originally led to believe.  
> Details have begun to come out about Australia's Cyber-Safety Plan,  
> which aims to block "illegal" content from being accessed within the  
> country, as well as pornographic material inappropriate for  
> children. Right now, the system is in the testing stages, but  
> network engineers are now saying that there's no way to opt out  
> entirely from content filtering.

> Assuming this is in fact the way the scheme is implemented in  
> practice, it raises plenty of troubling questions. "Illegal" is a  
> broad definition, leaving users wondering exactly what kinds of  
> content will end up falling prey to the government's apparently  
> mandatory filtering restrictions.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
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