[LINK] We live in interesting times.... Or - is the gold standard really extinct.

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Mon Oct 20 15:56:43 AEDT 2008

Birch Jim wrote:
> Tom
> I don't see how reverting to the gold standard would prevent greedy
> people from gambling with other people's money.
> Regulation might slow them down.

Clarke and Dawe continue to provide insightful analysis (in the long tradition
of the court jester) - their transcripts are here:


> Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> <snip>
> Or - Koltai truism, is it time that we return to the gold standard.
> Conclusion - the gold standard (absolute) precludes computer designed
> derivatives AND prevents banks from crashing - providing they have
> issued safe keeping certificates ONLY for gold they hold in their safes.
> Food for thought,
> Tom Koltai
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Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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