[LINK] Facebook

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Tue Sep 2 00:32:47 AEST 2008

Stil writes,

> > Ninety million active users pound on 10,000 servers every day.. 
> > millions and millions of pieces of information in a given month.
> I wonder how many syndication hands the story passed through before  
> publication? Facebook announced the other day that they'd passed 100  
> million users.

Hmm .. in mid July 2008 it was 90 million, 100 million on Thursday ..


Seems to me the author got many Facebook facts from here, and it now says
100 million (interestingly, in google, the page still comes up as 90 mill)
all other facts the same http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics

> I wonder what units "millions and millions of pieces of information"  
> are measured in, too... [sign] Stil

What info would you like, Stil (sigh) .. one might think many relevant
wonderings where answered in the paragraphs immediately after the quote?

Let's see, 'Facebook Units of Information' Hmm, Romances? ID-Thefts? The
number of facebooks that mix red and green in the overall colour scheme? 

Though I do wonder how well buried all their abandoned Facebooks are now.

Cheers Stil ..
Stephen Loosley
Victoria Australia

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