[LINK] more about open info access ...

ARTHUR,Evan (Dr) Evan.ARTHUR at deewr.gov.au
Wed Apr 1 14:22:28 AEDT 2009

A good general discussion of the issue of scholarly publishing/open access as it affects Australia is:  Houghton, J.W. with Steele, C. and Sheehan, P. (2008) 'Scholarly Communication Costs in Australian Higher Education,' Higher Education Management and Policy 20(3), pp27-44. Available from the OECD/IHME.  There is also John's earlier report which he did for us when we were DEST at (impossible URL follows): http://www.dest.gov.au/NR/rdonlyres/0ACB271F-EA7D-4FAF-B3F7-0381F441B175/13935/DEST_Research_Communications_Cost_Report_Sept2006.pdf

Evan Arthur
Group Manager
Digital Education Group
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
*: GPO Box 9880 Canberra ACT 2601
' 02 6240 5187 ': 0412 329 169
* evan.arthur at deewr.gov.au 


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