[LINK] Tony pulls it off!

Birch, Jim Jim.Birch at dhhs.tas.gov.au
Wed Dec 2 11:30:45 AEDT 2009

> The Market proceeds in a boom-bust cycle, and if we allow
> the world to be run by economists, human population will
> inevitably follow the same cycle.

This is a bit hard on economists.  You're talking about free-marketeers.
Most economists support regulation - to varying degrees - and will be
able to back up their case with some solid argument and numbers.    

> This process has been well-known since the Club of Rome
> published Limits to Growth in the '70s and more recently
> through the works of Jared Diamond.

Not everyone supports Diamond's thesis, it doesn't fit all the data. 

> The fact that a bust in human population implies billions
> of deaths through war, famine or disease should be enough
> to trigger some action on this issue.

"War, famine or disease" plus infanticide were the things that kept
population under control until historically recent times.  They are
still big in a lot of the world.

> It's a sad indictment of democracy that people will vote
> for policies which will result in the death of their kids
> and grandkids in a population "bust".

Alternatively, it's a sad indictment of our inherent biology.  Education
and birth control are more hopeful.



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