[LINK] Green light for internet filter plans

Philip Argy pargy at argystar.com
Wed Dec 16 14:22:29 AEDT 2009

For 'watching' read "Watch, see, take appropriate action"!


-----Original Message-----
From: link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au
[mailto:link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of rene
Sent: Wednesday, 16 December 2009 13:48
To: link at mailman1.anu.edu.au
Subject: Re: [LINK] Green light for internet filter plans - ACS position

On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 08:52:47 +1100, Philip Argy wrote:

> The danger of creeping enlargement of the blacklist and the criteria
> for blacklisting are what we think needs vigilance, and that focus is
> lost by a broadbrush opposition to any kind of content regulation
> because it allows the government to accuse us of supporting child
> abuse material, which we do not.  It is also important to ensure that
> the blacklist does not go beyond the takedown regime in place for
> domestic material (which is also a mechanism that needs to be closely
> watched to ensure that the takedown criteria do not also evince
> creeping enlargement).

'Watching' that will not stop creeping enlargement. ACMA's blacklist has 
been the subject of creeping enlargement since original enactment of the 
BSA online content censorship regime in 1999:

* The scope of 'RC' content was enlarged in 2000, 2005, and again in 2007. 
(Detail at:

* Also, the scope of the ACMA blacklist of "prohibited content" was 
enlarged effective from 1 Jan 2008 to include some MA15+ content and 
potential R18+ on overseas sites (previously it applied to 'only' potential

X18+ and RC on overseas sites).

What makes you think that "watching" will prevent 'RC' being further 
enlarged in forthcoming years, or that the mandatory blacklist will remain 
limited to 'RC' in forthcoming years (given that ACMA's original blacklist 
of 'prohibited content' - X18+ and RC - has not remained limited to that, 
and was widened/enlarged as recently as 2008 - with the support of both 
Labor and Coalition).


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