[LINK] Green light for internet filter plans
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Wed Dec 16 22:11:10 AEDT 2009
On 2009/Dec/16, at 11:49 AM, rene wrote:
> On Wed, 16 Dec 2009 20:57:08 +1100, Jan Whitaker wrote:
>> And what *does* happen when a site is blocked? Is there some
>> sort of error message returned? Is it customisable by the ISP? Is it
>> mandated by the govt. to say something about "stop being naughty and
>> go do your homework"?
> Answer to that is currently unknown because the govt has not said
> anything
> about their intentions in that regard. It depends on whether the govt
> mandates in legislation what ISPs must do in relation to message
> returned
> (when a page is blocked), and if they don't legislate about that
> aspect,
> then what any particular ISP chooses to do.
> For example, in the UK, some ISPs return a message that says the URL
> is
> blocked because it's on the IWF blacklist, other ISPs just return a
> standard "not found" type error message (i.e. they lie about what
> happened).
> Telstra says in its report that if they implement their 'solution',
> then
> when a page is blocked: "The user's experience will as if the URL
> doesn't
> exist (no indication to the user that the page has been specifically
> blocked)."
Whatever they do in the event this passes both houses (it's not going
to be just done via regulation without a parliamentary bill is it?) is
not clear yet but in the Enex report it says:
> Pass-by filters
> A pass-by filter does not require all traffic to pass through the
> filter. Pass-by filters
> comprise two types: hybrid and port mirroring. Only hybrid pass-by
> technology was
> used in this trial.
... blah blah blah ...
> Most commonly the action by a filter is a
> block-page being returned to the end-user, otherwise the traffic is
> allowed to pass on
> and the site returned to the user.
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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