[LINK] protecting the .au environment

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sun Feb 1 01:30:19 AEDT 2009

haha .. apparently one linker doesn't like my IPv6 :) ideas for Australia?

Log In Error: Could not find an IP address for the 
host "popa.melbpc.org.au".

for a few hour today, first time in 15 years .. any link expert say why?

despite the threat of both IP 'owners' being spammed (business expense?)
most Aussies may say if you make money from an Australian IP number/name
space you should do no harm. And some do, so we Aussies need information,
skills & tools readily available to say so directly to you, if necessary.

sure we can report you to some Aussie government agency or other, but why

the virtual .au community need laws just like the real one and au property
residents need responsibility .. it's not the wild west .. number and name
owners who profit from our .au virtual community should answer to problems
with yr sub-net-let virtual presence in our .au community in, say, 24hrs? 

and i bet many/most do .. but aussie IPv6 is a whole new space .. with big
numbers .. and perhaps without legal progress it will-be-is easy to become
absent, and un-accountable .au residents? Is that good for the net, or us?

message is, for .au space money-makers, do take care to do it right, or
someone either the public or eventually our government, WILL want words :)

sounds reasonable; how we achieve this virtual .au democracy, dont ask me

thanks for yr great discussion guys

cheers, all
Stephen Loosley

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