[LINK] Porn-filled servers at Optus headquaters

Brendan Scott brendansweb at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jan 7 10:19:37 AEDT 2009

Tom Worthington wrote:
> In "Dial X for Optus" by Vanda Carson (SMH, January 5, 
> 2009) 
> <http://business.smh.com.au/business/dial-x-for-optus-20090104-79vl.html?page=-1> 
> claims Optus ran an international pornography video and phone-sex 
> trade from its centre in Sydney. It claims Optus and other telcos 
> billed customers premium rates for sexually explicit calls and 
> X-rated downloads, misusing the country codes of small impoverished 

It is illegal to possess such material in NSW for the purpose of selling or exhibiting it. (s 18 Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995)

> nations. The article refers to Optus housing "porn-filled computer 
> servers in the Rosebery building", and connecting calls to a call 
> centre in New Zealand where staff simulated sex over the phone, not 
> to the countries the calls were supposed to be to.

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