[LINK] Largest Facebook group in Australia?

Jon Seymour jon.seymour at gmail.com
Wed Jan 7 12:13:29 AEDT 2009

IMO, facebook groups are useless for community building. People join them
and may, occasionally, remember to visit its page again. You can't
effectively use facebook groups to achieve anything useful. They are like
scout badges that you can earn without actually having to invest any effort.
They are all about posing and that is about it. Which is not to say, I am
not a member of a few :-)

I think mailing lists and twitter remain much better community building
mechanisms because they actually do the whole social engagement thing a
whole lot better.


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:07 PM, Steven Clift <slc at publicus.net> wrote:

> Folks at mySociety put out a call to identify the largest Facebook groups.
> See:
> http://groups.dowire.org/r/topic/6q7dhoMMzhm10m8AOkc5TF
> What are some of the largest Facebook groups related to Australia?
> Speaking of Facebook groups, I've created on called One Million Community
> Builders to see what it takes to create a large group. Join us:
>     http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=121232780528
> Cheers,
> Steven Clift
> P.S. I'd still love to see a local Issues Forum in Australia. Come on along
> to our webinar on Feb 6 early morning your time:
> http://pages.e-democracy.org/Citizen_Media_and_Online_Engagement_Webinar
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