[LINK] creatives angry about copyrestricted DVDs

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Tue Jan 13 18:10:43 AEDT 2009

Anthony Hornby wrote:
>> There is an alternative: pay for CD media and then copy it to whatever devices
>> you want. You ain't pirating and you ain't encumbered by DRM. And you can
>> switch to any OS and music system you wish at any time in the future.
> Which nicely entrenches the current CD distribution network .... still
> at least you can rip to lossless formats like flac. Try buying flac
> recordings online.
> I agree this is wandering OT and I didn't help ...
Well, the original story was about the impact DRM has on legitimate
viewing, so just moving from DVD to CD isn't *so* far OT ...

> Anthony
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