[LINK] Windows 7 Beta available

Brenda Aynsley bpa at iss.net.au
Wed Jan 14 19:35:04 AEDT 2009

Rick Welykochy wrote:

> What confuses the heck out of me is the version numbers / product numbers
> for the Windows line:
> Windows 3.1
> Windows 95
> Windows 98
> Windows 2000
> Windows XP
> Windows Vista
> Windows 7
> No, I am not starting to see a pattern here :(

try line numbers

1. Windows 3.1
2. Windows 95
3. Windows 98
4. Windows 2000
5. Windows XP
6. Windows Vista
7. Windows 7



Brenda Aynsley, FACS, PCP, HLM, ACCE Associate
Director Community Affairs Board, Australian Computer Society
Immediate Past Chairman ACS SA Branch www.acs.org.au/sa
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0) 412 662 988 || Skype/Yahoo: baynsley
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