[LINK] Green IT briefing, Canberra, 20 January 2008

Tom Worthington Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Wed Jan 14 13:49:33 AEDT 2009

Computers Off Australia is having a free Green IT 
breakfast briefing in Canberra, 20 January 2008 
As well as myself, Jose Iglesias from Symantec 
USA and Idris Sulaiman, CEO of Computers Off Australia will be speaking.


Computers Off Australia would like to invite you 
to attend a free breakfast briefing on Greening IT in 2009.

When:  8:00 - 9:30am, Tuesday 20 January 2008
Where: Canberra location advised on registration 


* Dr Idris Sulaiman, CEO, Computers Off Australia
* Jose Iglesias, VP of Global Solutions, CTO Office, Symantec USA
* Tom Worthington, Adjunct Senior Lecturer, ANU 
Computer Studies and Green ICT Course Convener, 
Australian Computer Society, Computer Professional Education Program

In the recent Gershon Review of the Australian 
Government's Use of Information and Communication 
Technology report, Gershon identified a number of 
key elements and recommendations around sustainability of ICT.

At this briefing the speakers will provide an 
overview of some of the key strategies and 
technologies that will assist both government and 
non government organisations with developing and 
implementing their green ICT strategy and infrastructure.

Discussions will also touch on practical tips and 
elements of Green IT – energy efficiency and 
sustainability practical solutions to reduce your 
carbon footprint and how CIO's, IT managers and 
policy makers can position their organisations 
and their green ICT policy commitments to deal 
with the new lean economic environment that is taking shape in 2009.

Also covered during this briefing will be an 
outline of the industries ICT energy efficiency 
and sustainability (Green IT) courses in 
development by the ACS (Australian Computer 
Society) and how ICT organisations (ICT suppliers 
and users) respond to the environmental challenges and opportunities?

Speaker Bios:

     Jose Iglesias is vice president of global 
solutions at Symantec Corporation (SYMC). In his 
role, Iglesias leads the efforts for integrating 
availability and security, into solutions of 
value, to customers worldwide.  He is in Canberra 
to provide a briefing to government agencies on 
Symantec technology including virtualisation, 
asset management, power management, data 
de-duplication and other technologies which form 
part of the company’s Green offerings.

     Tom Worthington is COA Board Advisor, an IT 
consultant and Adjunct Senior Lecturer in the 
Department of Computer Science, College of 
Engineering and Computer Studies at the 
Australian National University. Tom is the 
designer of the world's first globally accredited 
Green ICT e-learning course for computer professionals. ...

Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                      http://www.tomw.net.au/
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Australian National University  

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