[LINK] haha .. place your bids gentlemen ..

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Jan 15 22:04:00 AEDT 2009

It all seems rather silly really .. and I doubt CERN had this in mind
for the web .. one wonders if Australian net-filtering will catch this :) 

22-year-old Natalie Dylan auctions virginity
January 13, 2009 03:50pm


AN Australian businessman is leading a $5 million online bidding war to 
claim the virginity of a 22-year-old student.

He is just one among more than 10,000 men bidding for the promised night 
of passion.

Miss Dylan's offer first came to light in September, when the offers 
reached more than $350,000, but bids have now reached $5.6 million.

The Sun reports an unnamed 39-year-old Australian businessman is now the 
highest bidder.

Natalie Dylan's chastity sale was first reported in September by US radio 
shock jock Howard Stern, but since then interest in her has rocketed with 
record hits to her MySpace page. 

''I am shocked by how far this has gone,'' the 22-year-old told The Daily 

''It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's virginity, which 
isn't even prized so highly anymore." 

The San Diego student already has a degree in Women's Studies and planned 
the virginity auction to raise enough funds for a masters course in 
Family and Marriage therapy.. 

Natalie began researching prostitution for her degree course, as well as 
how virginity was prized in different cultures.

"My study is completely authentic in that I truly am auctioning my 
virginity," Natalie said. "But I am not being sold into this. I'm not 
being taken advantage of in any way.

"I think me and the person I do it with will both profit greatly from the 
deal," she added. 


Cheers people

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