[LINK] haha .. place your bids gentlemen ..

Tom Koltai tomk at unwired.com.au
Fri Jan 16 09:52:03 AEDT 2009


Obviously none of the auction participants have read this piece.....


As many of you know, Im Hungarian, I was surprised on a trip back home
in 2001 to learn that it appears that quite a few Hungarian lady doctors
are recruited for this type of operational capability.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au 
> [mailto:link-bounces at mailman1.anu.edu.au] On Behalf Of 
> stephen at melbpc.org.au
> Sent: Thursday, 15 January 2009 10:04 PM
> To: link at anu.edu.au
> Subject: [LINK] haha .. place your bids gentlemen ..
> It all seems rather silly really .. and I doubt CERN had this 
> in mind for the web .. one wonders if Australian 
> net-filtering will catch this :) 
> 22-year-old Natalie Dylan auctions virginity
> January 13, 2009 03:50pm
> http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,21985,24907753-661,00.html
> AN Australian businessman is leading a $5 million online 
> bidding war to 
> claim the virginity of a 22-year-old student.
> He is just one among more than 10,000 men bidding for the 
> promised night 
> of passion.
> Miss Dylan's offer first came to light in September, when the offers 
> reached more than $350,000, but bids have now reached $5.6 million.
> The Sun reports an unnamed 39-year-old Australian businessman 
> is now the 
> highest bidder.
> Natalie Dylan's chastity sale was first reported in September 
> by US radio 
> shock jock Howard Stern, but since then interest in her has 
> rocketed with 
> record hits to her MySpace page. 
> ''I am shocked by how far this has gone,'' the 22-year-old 
> told The Daily 
> Mail. 
> ''It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's 
> virginity, which 
> isn't even prized so highly anymore." 
> The San Diego student already has a degree in Women's Studies 
> and planned 
> the virginity auction to raise enough funds for a masters course in 
> Family and Marriage therapy.. 
> Natalie began researching prostitution for her degree course, 
> as well as 
> how virginity was prized in different cultures.
> "My study is completely authentic in that I truly am auctioning my 
> virginity," Natalie said. "But I am not being sold into this. I'm not 
> being taken advantage of in any way.
> "I think me and the person I do it with will both profit 
> greatly from the 
> deal," she added. 

Cheers people

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