[LINK] gps on kids...

Chris Maltby chris at sw.oz.au
Mon Jan 19 17:24:05 AEDT 2009

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 03:18:41PM +1100, Richard Chirgwin wrote:
> However, in a properly FOSS attitude, those who have the devices could
> always capture and publish where they've been ... I'd bet with not much
> effort a good cycleway map would emerge pretty quickly. Just as long as
> you don't let it near the Openstreetmap guys, who (sorry for dumping a
> bucket on a popular project) don't much care about data quality ...

I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Open Streetmap (apologies if someone
already did but I missed it). <http://www.openstreetmap.org/> It's a wiki
style map of the world with an explicit FOSS attitude.

If you cycle/drive or even walk around with a GPS, why not upload the
location trace so that others can use it too...


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