[LINK] Environment department used 30 sheets of paper per person per day

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Tue Jan 27 03:41:02 AEDT 2009

Tom Worthington wrote:
> The "Triple Bottom Line Report 2003-04" of the Department of the 
> Environment and Heritage, 2004 (ISBN 0 642 55046 8) reported they 
> purchased 14,300 reams of A4 paper. That is
> 15.08 reams per person per year, or 30 sheets per person per day 
> <http://www.environment.gov.au/about/publications/tbl/03-04/appendices.html>. 
> Environment  were to conduct a paper audit by end 2005 and establish 
> a data collection system for outsourced printing. Unfortunately this 
> was the last such report I could find from the Department. Does 
> anyone know what the figures were for 2007/2008?
> The Australian Public Service might like to set a target for the use 
> of paper for all agencies of no more than one sheet per day per 
> person. It should be possible to monitor this electronically direct 
> from the systems used for printing.

I think artificial quotas are a bad idea... Perhaps people are printing
because its required by their job, and simply outlawing it will just
drive the behaviour underground. Instead, someone should be finding out
why people prefer printing to alternatives, and working on that.


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