[LINK] Conroy beats Sarkozy for Internet Villain of the Year award (Link Digest, Vol 200, Issue 19)

Phillip Musumeci pmusumeci at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 13:48:33 AEST 2009

> From: Bernard Robertson-Dunn <brd at iimetro.com.au>
> Subject: [LINK] Conroy beats Sarkozy for Internet Villain of the Year award

  ~~~text cut~~~

> Conroy beats Sarkozy for Internet Villain of the Year award
> by Davey Winder
> Sunday, 12 July 2009
> iTWirehttp://www.itwire.com/content/view/26214/53/
> Controversial Australian politician Stephen Conroy has picked up an
> online Oscar for his starring role as Internet villain of the year, but
> let's not forget the supporting cast: the Australian Government.

It is interesting to read the relevant parts of the 2007 Labor platform.
 Armed with text search capability and a pdf of Labor's National
Constitution, one finds that the words {censorship, pornography} do
appear. Even the word mandatory doesn't appear near to the word filtering.
One finds statements such as:
"Labor believes Australians should have the knowledge and the tools
necessary to protect themselves from exposure to internet material that they
consider inappropriate." "Labor supports a requirement for internet service
providers to offer a filtered `clean feed' internet service to all
households, schools and other public internet points accessible by
children."  but we see a theme of empowerment only - hopefully to be
retained at the ALP's national conference this month.



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