[LINK] Telstra to do SMS message

Richard Chirgwin rchirgwin at ozemail.com.au
Mon Mar 2 15:52:25 AEDT 2009


I can't confirm (ie, for certain) that it was SMS used, but suspect it
was for the following reasons:

- It seems to have been "everyone in Vic" rather than "mobiles in
selected areas".
- The message was identified with a sending number.


Tom Worthington wrote:
> At 03:01 PM 2/03/2009, Marghanita da Cruz wrote:
>> Tom Worthington wrote:
>>>> http://www.theage.com.au/national/telstra-to-send-fire-warning-sms-20090302-8lxv.html
>>>> Telstra to send fire warning SMS ...
>> ...but from above article, it seems the Victorian Government has 
>> invoked some emergency powers ...
> The state government doesn't have any emergency powers over Telstra; 
> that is a federal matter. But usually the telcos will cooperate in an 
> emergency without a formal instruction. The heads of the federal and 
> Victorian emergency agencies are on a conference panel in front of me 
> at APCOA 2009 the moment, so I guess I could ask them.
> The Victorians are talking about the new mobile emergency command 
> post they got just before the fires and have put to good use.
> Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
> Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
> PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                      http://www.tomw.net.au/
> Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Australian National University 
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