[LINK] Digital Ecosystem

Adrian Chadd adrian at creative.net.au
Tue Mar 3 13:45:52 AEDT 2009

On Tue, Mar 03, 2009, Roger Clarke wrote:

> ><http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_ecosystem>
> The number of times general systems theory gets re-discovered and 
> re-badged is remarkable.
> We'd get further, faster and better if the world would actually 
> internalise its insights (under whichever name people like to use).
> But I guess we're stuck with most people being unaware of it, some 
> people ignoring it, and hence its continual re-emergence, widespread 
> non-comprehension about it, and re-disappearance ...

You mean, like all of the (re)discovered technologies surrounding
virtualisation, language design, parallel processing, etc? :)

One of my favourite amusements before I left for holiday was someone
describing to me this complicated method for scheduling work, managing
queues, retrying failed jobs (eg failed hardware, etc) and such.

I said "oh cool, you just wrote a batch processing system. In PHP.

He said "Batch processing? Whats that, like DOS .BAT files?"

(he was sort of right.)


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