[LINK] Twitter: The poor man's e-mail system

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Wed Mar 4 15:41:11 AEDT 2009

Ivan Trundle wrote:
> Linkers
> A clumsily-written article, but amusing nonetheless:
> http://www.businessinsider.com/google-ceo-twitter-a-poor-mans-email-system-2009-3
> It's clear that Eric Schmidt hasn't used Twitter, but even still, the  
> article has stirred a hornets' nest of responses. This implies a  
> social allegiance that the Googleplex is unaware of.

I'm not a Tweeter, but this
> "Speaking as a computer scientist, I view all of these as sort of poor man's email systems," 

has echoes of DEC's founder:
> A couple of Olsen's public statements were seized upon by the trade press and have overshadowed his more meaningful contributions.
> In 1977, he infamously quipped, "there is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."[2


and for those too young to have heard of DEC:

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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