[LINK] technical question: security alert

Kim Holburn kim.holburn at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 03:56:56 AEDT 2009

Actually, if you use a ISP with a proxy or it unknown to you has a  
transparent proxy this probably won't give you your IP.

If you use gmail then go to https://gmail.com then you can see your IP  
at the bottom of your inbox page.

Otherwise a google for http://www.google.com/search?q=my+ip+inurl:https

comes up with several websites that will work in https that will  
probably give the correct IP.  Seems to be a firefox extension that  
will do this.  Bit of an over-kill though.

On 2009/Mar/04, at 2:16 AM, Lea de Groot wrote:

> On 04/03/2009, at 10:24 AM, Jan Whitaker wrote:
>> I believe the Destination
>> is my IP because I looked it up and it's one of the Internode ones.
> You can check what your own personal IP is at:
> http://www.whatsmyip.com.au/
> (Disclaimer: mine)
> Can't help with the rest :(
> Lea
> -- 
> Lea de Groot
> Brisbane, .au
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Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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