[LINK] Open Source Software Gurus, Canberra, April 2009

Tom Worthington Tom.Worthington at tomw.net.au
Thu Mar 12 08:32:00 AEDT 2009

Andrew "Tridge" Tridgell and Bob "The Builder" Edwards are running 
the course "Free and Open Source Software Development" (COMP8440) at 
the ANU in Canberra, starting 14 April 2009 
<http://cs.anu.edu.au/students/comp8440>. Both are known for hacking 
the TiVo <http://www.samba.org/%7Etridge/tivo-ethernet/>. This course 
will not be easy and not your usual Powerpoint corporate training, 
but you have to climb the mountain to sit at the feet of the Gurus. ;-)


Free & Open Source Software (FOSS)

The ANU Department of Computer Science is offering a Masters of 
Computing (five day intensive) course scheduled for Autumn 2009 (April).

Lecturers: Dr. Andrew Tridgell & Mr. Bob Edwards

Want to learn how FOSS development works? Are you interested in the 
technical, legal and social aspects of the free software community? 
If so, then this could be the course for you...

About the course

This course aims to teach students about FOSS in a very practical 
manner. Students will learn about FOSS by studying and participating 
in real projects, with practical tutorial sessions making up most of 
the course time. The course will be run over five intensive days at 
the ANU in Canberra, and will be led by a lecturer with 20 years
of experience in developing FOSS software. Interspersed with the 
practical sessions will be a series of lectures explaining important 
aspects of FOSS development, including topics such as:

     * The history of FOSS
     * How FOSS communities are organised and governed
     * How the development cycle works
     * How FOSS licenses work
     * legal issues faced by FOSS projects
     * Source code control systems
     * Bug tracking and quality control

Program Information

Tom Worthington FACS HLM tom.worthington at tomw.net.au Ph: 0419 496150
Director, Tomw Communications Pty Ltd            ABN: 17 088 714 309
PO Box 13, Belconnen ACT 2617                      http://www.tomw.net.au/
Adjunct Senior Lecturer, Australian National University 

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