[LINK] Goobuntu

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Thu Mar 12 09:27:01 AEDT 2009

The wikipedia entry on Gnoppix is interesting. Ubuntu and its live CD were a
couple of years behind the Knoppix live cd. But then that is how open source 
> Although Gnoppix was intended to be used as Live CD it could also be installed to and booted from a hard disk. Gnoppix was originally built around its own customised Live CD environment; the last editions, however, were a rebranded and customised version of Ubuntu.[citation needed

Then there is:

For more on Knoppix see


stephen at melbpc.org.au wrote:
> Goobuntu
>  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goobuntu
> Not to be confused with Gobuntu, an official derivative of Ubuntu, 
> Goobuntu is a Linux distro based on Ubuntu that Google uses internally. 
> Some have suggested that Google might plan to market the distribution 
> more widely. 
> While both Google and Mark Shuttleworth, creator of Ubuntu, have 
> confirmed that Goobuntu exists and is used internally, both have strongly 
> refuted suggestions that Google has any plans to market the operating 
> system.
> Almost half of the 20,000 employees of Google use Goobuntu.
> Mark Shuttleworth has confirmed that Google contributes patches to Ubuntu 
> but noted that while some Google employees use this modified version of 
> Ubuntu, others use modified versions of other Linux distributions. Google 
> has supported Ubuntu through the Ubucon conferences and in other ways.
> Although Shuttleworth and Google representatives have denied any plans to 
> release Goobuntu outside the company, it has nonetheless inspired ongoing 
> speculation about Google entering the operating system business.
> --
> Cheers people
> Stephen Loosley
> Victoria Australia
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Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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