stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Mar 14 19:42:33 AEDT 2009

David writes,

> Thing is: there isn't a solution to our communications needs. Wireless 
> would cover parts beyond DSL range, but that won't be adequate for 
> long.  FTTN would provide most of the population with speeds that seem 
> blisteringly fast to those of us on dialup, but that will pass.  

Actually, for a number of reasons, there may be a *perfect* solution :-)

Broadband over power-lines, specially when research reduces interference.

It's not a radically new technology, now, and most premises of which i'm 
aware have power lines. Also, the ACMA seems to have a good handle on it.

 eg, http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD/pc=PC_2845
 & http://www.acma.gov.au/WEB/STANDARD/pc=PC_310024

But, the *very best thing* about BPL is that Telstra hates it. And guess
why? Because they claim it may interfere with cable modem services. Haha.

That's just perfect ... Telstra can have their $$$+ cable broadband, and
the rest of us can have BOTH an ADSL+ service, AND BPL, at the same time.

Eg, here is Telstra's ACMA submission, re their BPL request for comment: 


I don't know what the max speed of BPL might be, but with ADSL+ over yr
phone line and additional feed from yr power line, MUST be pretty quick.

Sure five metre interference might be significant in SOME circumstances
right now, but, I'm fairly sure some clever Aussies could overcome that.

And, it would be worth any wait, just to stick it up Telstra.. hahahaha.

Whatever, under Aussie circumstances it's certainly worth investigation.


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