[LINK] Victorian Government running without backups?

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Mon Mar 16 16:31:07 AEDT 2009

This is me in Crikey today:


Crikey has received information that all is not well at CenITex, the  
Victorian Government agency which provides IT services to six out of  
10 state departments. Our tipster's more serious allegation is that  
there hasn't been a full data backup in more than a year, and that  
"everyone in CenITex is aware of this".


"Some time ago, what was the Shared Services Centre realised they were  
unable to back up all the data they manage for the participating  
departments in the overnight time window," they told Crikey.

"For over 12 months they have been taking only incremental backups...  
There is no disaster recovery in place. Everyone in CenITex is aware  
of this and are told to 'shut up'."

The article isn't behind Crikey's paywall, so do feel free to add an  
comments or further information.

Also, a reader suggests that we should also look at other states'  
status in this regard. Yes, I'd love to be contacted appropriately.


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia
mobile +61 407 623 600
fax +61 2 9516 5630
Twitter: stilgherrian
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