[LINK] Australian ISP Peering

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Wed Mar 18 15:04:37 AEDT 2009

> No-one in Au Government, regulatory or otherwise actually understands
> the loss to Australia in terms of Economic benefits resulting from
> Telstra not peering with all comers on a local only basis ..
> Actually I mean that if all ISP's were at a single peering location -
> and it was a stable secure well funded environment - then is there any
> reason.. as to why Telstra wouldnt peer with all ISP's. (A truly level 
> playing field for Australian content suppliers and e-commerce.)

For example?  http://www.netnod.se/background.shtml

In 1996 SUNET, the Swedish University Network, together with Swedish 
Internet Service Providers as represented in the Swedish Internet-
operators Forum (SOF) planned for the establishment of one or more 
national nodes for exchange of Internet traffic. 

Earlier the traffic in Sweden had been exchanged between the providers 
via infrastructure located at Sunet facilities at the Royal Institute of 
Technology in Stockholm. This was done by the formation of the TU-
Foundation that created Netnod AB as the operating company for the new 
exchange points.

The main purpose of the new national exchange points was to obtain high 
reliability in the central and common parts of Internet in Sweden. 

This remains high on the agenda for Netnod. 

The exchangepoints themselves are located in underground communications 
bunkers, that are protected from unrest above ground as well as EMP, 
power failures etc. 

These locations are operated by the Swedish Telecom regulator, PTS. 

The risk for a complete breakdown has been eliminated by making the 
national exchange points redundant, and Netnod now operates exchanges in 
Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmoe, Sundsvall and Lulea. 

In 2000 Netnod created a fully owned subsidiary called Autonomica that 
runs the operations of Netnod, and also operates i.root-servers.net as 
well as slave servers for a number of TLDs. 



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