[LINK] "Help" desks - today's adventures.
Peter Bowditch
peter at ratbags.com
Wed Mar 18 23:17:12 AEDT 2009
I mentioned TPG earlier today. The reason I had been looking at their site
was that a friend who connects through TPG was having some trouble and
wanted me to fix it. Apparently I am omnipotent. I found out that they
connected through TPG by examining headers on some recent emails. I was
especially taken by the way TPG customers have to fill out a form on TPG's
web site to tell TPG that they are having trouble connecting to the
Internet through TPG. There is only one phone number for the whole of
Australia for all purposes, so it might be possible that my friend is
still on hold waiting to be transferred to the correct extension.
Then there's Optus. I use Optus mobile broadband when I travel. To report
a fault to Optus online you have to know your Optus email address,
something which I do not have because nobody ever told me what it might
be. They do, however, have a tech support telephone number. The fault I
wanted to ask about was the disappearance of Usenet newsgroups from
anywhere in Optus. The person I spoke to knew not of what I spoke and
didn't know who to ask. She had no idea what I meant by "news". The devil
made me say "NNTP server", but I thought that I might cause too much
distress if I asked about Archie and Gopher. Perhaps even Netscape would
have been a stretch.
She did, however, give me an email address. She even spelled it out for me
- "pbowditch". Luckily I am a fully-qualified nerd, geek and hacker and it
only took me a few attempts before I tried "p.bowditch".
Then there is BlueCentral. I tried to connect to their webmail system and
received a screen telling me that I was using an unsupported browser and
should upgrade. Versions of Internet Explorer above 5.5 are required, so
it is no wonder that I have trouble using IE7 with all updates on XP Pro
SP3 or Vista. I lodged a support ticket (as BlueCentral only do hosting,
not connection, I will excuse them having a form for support). The answer
came directed, in a tone not unexpected to tell me that everything is
working correctly. Not at my place it isn't.
I won't talk about my adventures with Telstra a couple of weeks back
because I would need to find an all-night chemist to refill my Zoloft. You
can read about it at
Peter Bowditch
The Millenium Project - http://www.ratbags.com/rsoles
Australian Council Against Health Fraud - http://www.acahf.org.au
Australian Skeptics - http://www.skeptics.com.au
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