[LINK] Possible Letter to Conroy (the real one)

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu Mar 19 18:06:04 AEDT 2009

Roger writes,

> Y.s.  ...  [One, Some, Many?]

Certainly moi ..

Eg, "(The filter) will apparently be a dedicated box rather than simply 
filtering software.

A concern is denial of service (DOS) attacks, which could allow a 
talented hacker to bring down the entire ISP by bombarding the box/filter 
with hundreds of thousands of HTTP packets in a very short space of time, 
overwhelming it and stopping it from letting any legitimate requests 

You wouldn't even need to have a decent sized botnet, according to 
Strahan, who notes "if you find something that causes a lot of processing 
in the filter, then, even an ADSL connection might be able to bring it 

Also, if everything has to pass through a single box, and that box gets 
attacked and goes down, you can kiss your connection goodbye .."


Plus for example, of course, as Roger indicates .. with such freeware
as AnchorFree and many others, it's simply all too easy to circumvent. 


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Y .. S ..

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