[LINK] Conficker, boots April First

Kim Davies kim at cynosure.com.au
Mon Mar 23 03:20:49 AEDT 2009

Quoting Karl Auer on Sunday March 22, 2009:
| On Sun, 2009-03-22 at 19:53 +1100, Karl Auer wrote:
| > I'm not up on the Conficker thing, so maybe this is me displaying that
| > ignorance, but it seems to me to be extraordinarily unlikely that
| > anything to do with the DNS would have any relevance to a worm. I
| > suppose the DNS port might be used in some way, as it swans through most
| > firewalls, but "domain names"?
| OK, now I know. Still strikes me as a weird way to operate, as domain
| names are by definition traceable and locatable.

Well, not really. The operator of the bot has 50,000 different domains
a day to play with, distributed under over 100 top-level domains each
with very different registration policies (and almost all more liberal
than those in Australia). The attacker can probably go to some registry
or registrar, provide a stolen credit card number, and get one of that
day's command-and-control domain. And the domain only needs to be active
for 24 hours, so they don't care if it gets taken down later once
someone realises what is going on.


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