[LINK] little power supplies

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Mon Mar 23 18:35:21 AEDT 2009

I was reading this gadget review and something stuck in my mind and  
kept turning around and popping back up.  It was this:
> A USB power adapter is supplied for use with unpowered hubs or ports  
> that won't supply overcurrent.

Wow, I thought.  There's a lot of gadgets I have, each with their own  
stupid (and incompatible to anything else) power supply, wall wart.  I  
lose a power supply and the gadget is useless, unless I am game to  
unleash one of those universal ones that are often dangerously over  
voltage.  Some things need more power than USB could supply so USB  
probably can't power everything, but there's a lot of stuff it could  
power.  A decent hub might even be able to power several gadgets at  

> If you're looking for a fat portable hard drive, Fujitsu's 500GB HD5  
> hits the spot. A simple black slab, it's pretty enough, but quiet  
> operation is more important, and it didn't irritate. Read-write  
> speeds hit 20-25MBps (xbench results), and it ran just fine from the  
> USB port. A USB power adapter is supplied for use with unpowered  
> hubs or ports that won't supply overcurrent.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
mailto:kim at holburn.net  aim://kimholburn
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