[LINK] Google soon to be banned in Australia under draconian censorship laws
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Mon Mar 23 19:02:03 AEDT 2009
> Google soon to be banned in Australia under draconian censorship laws
> Recent action by the Australian Government may see Google and many
> other popular websites banned in Australia under existing censorship
> laws.
> Under the Communications Legislation Amendment (Content Services)
> Act 2007 sites that link to content that is Refused Classification
> (RC) are considered themselves to be RC, and if hosted in Australia,
> site owners can be ordered to remove the link(s), or fined AU$11,000
> a day.
> The problem is that the provisions potentially make most sites on
> the internet illegal. Take for example the leaked Australian
> Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) blacklist on Wikileaks we
> wrote about earlier. Given that the list was published after ACMA
> banned a similar list from Denmark, it’s fair to say that linking to
> the Australian list will be illegal as well from Australia. Note at
> this point that the content in the list consists entirely of URLs
> and does not in itself publish pictures or video; under the act, the
> links in the list are illegal content (RC) because of what they link
> to. Likewise, linking to that list is illegal because the list
> itself is now illegal. Any site that links to the list of links then
> becomes prohibited content. Most sites would have a front page with
> internal links, so any page on a site that links to the post that
> links to the list of links becomes illegal. Keeping up?
> If I was linking to XYZ blog, and XYZ blog was linking to ABC blog
> who had linked to the list, all the pages in the chain are illegal,
> because each one links to prohibited content. Any site linking to me
> then becomes illegal, and so on.
> But it gets better, because it took 1 second for me to bring up a
> page in Google which links to the Denmark list. If the Denmark list
> is prohibited content, then Google is in breach of the act as well,
> and could well end up being banned. And that’s before you even
> consider that Google itself takes copies of pages through Google
> Cache (I’m not allowed to link to it, but it is there, in full in
> Google.)
> This is the stupidity of what is essentially a thought crime:
> criminalizing a list of links which are text and do not in
> themselves constitute child porn or other physical illegal activity.
> The law sets off a chain that could potentially result in most, if
> not all of the internet in Australia being banned by the Government.
> Sounds extreme? well so is making laws that say sites are refused
> classification for a link and not content. Fascism in Australia has
> a very wide bow.
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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