[LINK] Police raid home of Wikileaks.de domain owner over censorship lists
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Wed Mar 25 22:47:37 AEDT 2009
Seems possible this is the result of wikileaks publishing the ACMA
list which included links to sites with child pornography:
Wikileaks on twitter
Conroy admits to the dentist's website being on the list:
> DESPITE his denial last week, Communications Minister Stephen Conroy
> claims the leaked website blacklists published on Wikleaks now
> closely resemble the Government watchdog's official list.
> Three lists thought to be from the Australian Communications and
> Media Authority (ACMA) were published online over the past seven days.
> Senator Conroy admitted that the latest list, dated March 18th,
> "seemed to be close" to ACMA's current blacklist.
> He had previously denied the first leak, dated August 6th, was from
> ACMA - since the number of entries didn't match up.
> "This is not the ACMA blacklist," Senator Conroy said last week.
> "The published list purports to be current at 6 August 2008 and
> apparently contains approximately 2400 URLs whereas the ACMA
> blacklist for the same date contained 1061 URLs."
> The latest leak claims to show the data was "cleaned up" after media
> reports on innocent content in the first list leaked last week.
> Each leak contained thousands of links to apparently illegal child
> pornography websites, but a few entries listed innocent content -
> including pages from Wikipedia, YouTube, and a local dentist.
> Senator Conroy said the dentist's website, which was hacked a few
> years ago, would have been added by a third-party vendor which
> leaked the list.
> “Does the (leaked blacklist) mean we are going to stop blocking
> access to the sites? No. People can continue to put up the lists if
> they are proud to do that,” he told a press conference in Sydney
> today.
> “It is completely untrue that the leaked blacklist contains
> political content. This is a list which contains sites that promote
> incest, rape, child pornography and child abuse."
> The watchdog's blacklist is the basis of Government plans for nation-
> wide compulsory web filtering.
> It is only intended to be seen by ACMA and a small number of
> approved filter vendors.
> ACMA has previously stated that the publication of its blacklist
> would jeopardise the Government's policy on web filtering.
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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