[LINK] Psyb0t Attacks Linux Routers

Kim Holburn kim at holburn.net
Fri Mar 27 19:47:47 AEDT 2009


> Mar 26, 2009
> A botnet named psyb0t has been nesting for a few months in consumer  
> devices that run on Linux with MIPS CPUs, notably routers. Infested  
> devices connect through a botnet over a private Internet Relay Chat  
> (IRC) server to await commands.
> Already in January Australian Terry Baume had written a short paper  
> describing the psyb0t malware that was beginning to crop up in Linux  
> systems. Most of these are DSL routers, in that they allow a greater  
> level of stealth because they are online longer than individual PCs.  
> A whole range of devices are affected that use the CPUs under Linux,  
> among them various versions of OpenWRT. Attack vectors are primarily  
> TELNET or SSH that listen on the device's WAN interface, accepting  
> weak passwords (such as admin). According to reports, the malware  
> has a number of attack tools built in, among them a network scanner  
> and brute forcer.

Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
Ph: +39 06 855 4294  M: +39 3494957443
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