[LINK] news snippet: conficker/downadup and 1 april
Brenda Aynsley
bpa at iss.net.au
Sun Mar 29 14:41:53 AEDT 2009
From another list ...
has a good explanation of the conficker/downadup
worm and its supposed behaviour on 1 april. It also suggests a little
test to determine if you are infected by visiting www.f-secure.com or
www.fsecure.com. If you cant, you may have the worm and you should take
steps to remove it according to f-secure prior to 1 april. Given the
date, it could be just a hoax, however there's enough chatter on patch
management lists, to indicate there is a reality.
Unix, Linux and Mac users need not do anything at this time.
Brenda Aynsley, FACS, PCP, HLM, ACCE Associate
Director Community Affairs Board, Australian Computer Society
Immediate Past Chairman ACS SA Branch www.acs.org.au/sa
Director Oz Business Partners http://www.ozbusinesspartners.com/
Mobile:+61(0) 412 662 988 || Skype/Yahoo: baynsley
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