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Anne Hugo anne.hugo at utas.edu.au
Mon Mar 30 15:28:54 AEDT 2009

> Not to mention the ecological impact of all of these devices.

Not just in the ground when they become obsolete, but now, as we use
them: mobile phone use has been blamed for the decline in bee
populations, as bees become disoriented by all the signals we put out
around the planet billions of times a day and can't find their way
back to their hives:

> The theory is that signals from mobile phones interfere with the bees' natural radar, the in-built satellite-navigation systems that guide them home to the hive, however far they have flown in their quest for pollen.
> A German researcher has found that bees refuse to return to their hive when mobile phones are placed alongside it.
> Lost and disoriented, they die. The result is abandoned hives, a possible honey shortage and, most gravely, a lack of pollinators for our flowers and crops.
> Albert Einstein calculated that if bees suddenly ceased to exist, mankind could not survive for more than four years.



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