[LINK] Consumers International's IP Watch List
Kim Holburn
kim at holburn.net
Fri May 1 19:27:48 AEST 2009
Consumers International's own IP Watch List, released today. It rates
countries on how their IP law protects consumer rights.
> Consumers International IP Watch List Report 2009
> Thu, 08/01/2009 - 11:13 — Jeremy Malcolm
> The Consumers International IP Watch List is a global survey that
> rates national copyrighti laws and enforcement practices from the
> perspective of how well they promote access to knowledge for
> consumers, by allowing them fair access to the fruits of their
> society's culture and science.
> The IP Watch List is based on research conducted by CIi members and
> partners worldwide, using a set of criteria developed by an external
> advisory group of experts. Amongst the sixteen countries studied,
> those whose IP policies and practices are most harmful to consumers
> are identified, but a range of best practices of fairness and
> balance in copyright law are also highlighted.
> These are the overall rankings of the countries studied, from best
> (most consumer-friendly) to worst (most hostile to consumer
> interests):
> 1. India
> 2. South Korea
> 3. China (PRC)
> 4. USA
> 5. Indonesia
> 6. Israel
> 7. Pakistan
> 8. Philippines
> 9. Australia
> 10. Malaysia
> 11. Spain
> 12. Chile
> 13. Brazil
> 14. Argentina
> 15. Thailand
> 16. UK
Kim Holburn
IT Network & Security Consultant
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