[LINK] Forum on high speed bandwidth in Australia - this Thursday

Pia Waugh greebo at pipka.org
Mon May 4 12:35:17 AEST 2009

Hi Brendan and all,

<quote who="Brendan Scott">

> Won't make it in person. 
> My views are:
> * speed is generally good
> * speed should be paid for by those who want/need it.  
> * +1 to comments on latency etc. 
> * the network would become much more efficient by a rationalisation of copyright law (which, at the moment, distorts the manner of delivery of data) - see: http://brendanscott.wordpress.com/2009/04/07/nbn-just-say-no/

It would be great if people could post their thoughts and url's to the
comments section of the blog post (after the RSVP box) as the comments will
also contribute to the discussion, and be included in the briefing paper. 

Add comments here:


This is also a bit of an experiment in open government, we are trying to get
ideas all posted publicly for public discussion and feedback. Soon down the
track we will add threading to the comments on Senator Lundy's blog for more
peer review of comments (we just need to make some theme changes) and will
likely add other features like rating. This combined with engaging Twitter
as the main medium for discussion and feedback means we will hopefully have
a pretty open discussion, and people should be able to participate as easily
online as in person.


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