[LINK] Australia's online history 'facing extinction'

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Thu May 7 15:17:33 AEST 2009

Michael Still wrote:
> Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
>> Australia's online history 'facing extinction'
>> By Brigid Andersen
>> ABC News
>> http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2009/05/07/2563251.htm
> ...
>> "We've been going for quite a while and we have at the moment about
>> 2.9 terabytes of information, but that is a drop in the ocean to what
>> has been produced since 1996," he said.
> I agree... That's a pathetic amount of data to have collected. How much
> have Australian's paid for that? What's their engineering approach? How
> do they decide what to archive?

For some reason, the story brings the Ros Kelly whiteboard affair to mind....and 
seems to be at odds with this:

 > Archives Act
 > The Archives Act 1983 empowers the Archives to preserve the archival 
resources of the Commonwealth  those records designated national archives.
 > Under the Act it is illegal to destroy Commonwealth records without the 
permission of the Archives, unless destruction is specified in another piece of 
 > The Act also establishes the right of public access to Commonwealth records 
that are more than 30 years old.

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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