[LINK] High Bandwidth for Australia

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri May 8 11:02:04 AEST 2009

Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
> Ivan Trundle wrote:
>> On 08/05/2009, at 9:06 AM, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:
>>> Can someone post something about the content, preferably a summary and
>>> analysis. I'm not interested in all the gory details of what everybody
>>> said, but I am interested to find out if anything meaningful was
>>> achieved - other than the use of technology.
>> I'm in the same boat as Bernard: unable to attend or even focus on the  
>> event, yet desperately seeking to know what actually happened and what  
>> was said...
> To expand. I assume the process is something like this:
> 1 Data/opinion/information gathering
> 2 Analysis
> 3 Formulation of position and/or conclusions
> 4 Communicate/publish position and/or conclusions
> So far we've had some or all of 1. I'm just as much, if not more, 
> interested in 3->4. I'd like to know that the info gathered from step 1 
> has been "properly" represented in the later stages.
> It's called transparency and evidence based policy development.
> And relating the later steps to current technology crazes, I can't see 
> much of a role for twitter type communications. IMHO, these steps 
> require reflection and contemplation rather than instant decision making.
> Does anyone do reflection and contemplation any more?

I prefer the term informed decision making particularly in relation to ICT,
where there isn't much precedence.

and with regard to reflection, I couldn't figure out how to include the word  in 
this sentence:
> However, this might be a good time for all those who were present to check into
> both Kate and Tom's blogs and record their thoughts on the appropriate Blogs.


Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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