[LINK] Forum on high speed bandwidth in Australia

Marghanita da Cruz marghanita at ramin.com.au
Fri May 8 11:42:20 AEST 2009

Pia Waugh wrote:
> I agree that having either a moderated list of tweets or a different channel
> for speakers would be a better solution, as the general twitter chatter was
> too much. We asked people to post questions to @katelundy but of course
> other comments went there too. Perhaps next time we can have a
> #publicsphere-q tag for specific tweets to the speaker and display just that
> to them while they are speaking, so it is both manageable while speaking,
> but also avoiding having to moderate (and potentially miss) questions.
> Speakers can always choose to ignore questions, but transparency at that
> level is probably useful too.
> I was tweeting the name of each talk within at (almost) the start of each
> talk so that provides both context to participants but also a very rough way
> to determine which feedback was for which talk. Am collating and will
> republish this on the blog comments for the event. Will post here when done
> :)

Then all we need is to link the twitter stream to the video/audio - note skype 
does this very well. Some people on audio, some on video and some on text. The 
last Skype conference, I was on. Others participants could hear me, but they 
were texting back. It was interesting, that I would also lapse into typing 
responses, only to get a message reminding me that I could just speak. Not sure 
what is archived.

It also sounds like you need to find the right social balance and set up 
protocols otherwise it could disintegrate completely.

As an aside, I recall attending the first meeting of ISOC-AU at UTS in Sydney 
(Dec/Nov 96?)...I recall Tom Worthington attending via IRC. The problem with 
IRC, is that you needed a hansard reporter to transcribe what was being said in 
real time.

Marghanita da Cruz
Phone: (+61)0414 869202

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