[LINK] Democrats launch anti-filtering site

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Wed May 20 16:44:57 AEST 2009

On 20/05/2009, at 3:59 PM, Lea de Groot wrote:
> But it is interesting - are the Democrats completely clueless about
> the net, or is it a specific effort to avoid the filter?
> It would be interesting to know

I'm not quite sure how this represents "cluelessness".

Shopping around for the cheapest hosting option, usually in the US, is  
surely "prudent financial management in a global economy". :)

Also, are where the site it hosted or what the domain name is "global"  
versus "country-specific", REALLY the most important issues to be  
discussing here?


Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia
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