[LINK] University of Missouri to require iPod touch or iPhone for Journalism students

Stilgherrian stil at stilgherrian.com
Mon May 25 21:05:50 AEST 2009

On 25/05/2009, at 9:07 PM, Brendan Scott wrote:
> Neither of these is to the point.  There is no itunes client for  
> linux so putting things on itunes automatically excludes me.

We all choose our tools when connecting to the Big Magic Internet. You  
chose Linux, you chose to exclude yourself from iTunes. It's not as if  
the lack of iTunes client for Linux was a secret. Take responsibility  
for your own choices. Don't blame Apple or the university,



Stilgherrian http://stilgherrian.com/
Internet, IT and Media Consulting, Sydney, Australia
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Twitter: stilgherrian
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