[LINK] fwd: Wrapup and publicly editable briefing paper for the Public Sphere event on high speed bandwidth

Pia Waugh greebo at pipka.org
Wed May 27 16:47:41 AEST 2009

Hi all,

thought some of you might be interested in this :)

----- Forwarded message from Pia Waugh <greebo at pipka.org> -----

Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 15:33:41 +1000
From: Pia Waugh <greebo at pipka.org>
To: greebo at pipka.org
Subject: Wrapup and publicly editable briefing paper for the Public Sphere
	event on high speed bandwidth

Hi all,

Firstly many thanks to everyone who participated in the first Public Sphere topic. We have collated the input into a briefing paper which we have also published on our new Wiki for public comment and contributions:


We would love all participants to look over our briefing paper and contribute. We have tried to keep it simple and easy to read/scan with the ability to use the reference materials to get further information on any particular topic. It is a first attempt at a format for the Public Sphere, so if you can think of a better way to format the outcomes, we'd love to hear about it (or you can just do it).

The wiki page will be publicly editable for a week (instructions on the page) and then we'll clean it up for final publishing. Depending on how a week plays out, we may extend this timing for future draft processes (as our main target audience for the edits are the participants in the topic, however anyone can obviously contribute to the briefing paper). We would expect any further commentary on the briefing paper to be made on the blog post where we post the final version. The wiki page (and all edits) will remain publicly available.

We will be linking all public wiki contribution projects from our main Wiki page if you want to keep an eye on things here http://wiki.katelundy.com.au/ however all new intiatives will be posted about on the http://katelundy.com.au/ website, so just subscribe to updates to hear about new public consolutation projects.

We have also linked as much reference material (videos, slides, websites) from the original event schedule if you are looking for any of this material:


Finally, a big thanks to ANU (particularly George Bray and Bob Edwards), to all the wonderful speakers, all the participants both locally and right across Australia, and to Senator Lundy for taking the lead in the application of online/peer collaboration to government processes.

Our next Public Sphere event will be launched on the website in the coming day or two, and will be on "Open Government", and we will be trying to improve the process to make it more accessible, more open, more simple and of course more participatory. We'll also be ensuring all data (eg - video) is fully captured for posterity.

Please subscribe to the website RSS for updates. You can subscribe specifically to the Public Sphere category if you like here http://www.katelundy.com.au/category/campaigns/publicsphere/. We'll also be adding an ical feed to the website soon for upcoming events.

Thanks everyone, and we look forward to your feedback and participation in the briefing paper, and future Public Sphere topics.


ICT Policy Advisor
Senator Kate Lundy

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