[LINK] Govt needs more data centres

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Thu May 28 15:25:16 AEST 2009


TomW's prediction:

  The 10,000 m2 ... of large government data centre space the Gershon
  Report found in Canberra, will be reduced to about 100m2.

is looking a bit wonky.

Govt needs more data centres
Fran Foo
May 28, 2009
Australian IT

The federal Government is seeking temporary data centre facilities and 
services to plug a gap while it puts the finishing touches on its own 

The suppliers should have data centres ready for occupancy in the 
2009/10 financial year, according to an expression of interest issued by 
the Finance Department.

The centres need to be energy efficient and cater to different 
operational requirements, and preferably adhere to, or be working 
towards, the environmental standards, including ISO 14001 or the Green 
Grid organisation's framework, tender documents said.

Contracts for data centres within the ACT may last up to three years, 
while agreements for locations elsewhere will run for five years, with a 
further five-year extension option. Between 1000sqm and 2000sqm of 
existing floor space will be required.

The interim plan is in line with Peter Gershon's Government ICT review, 
which highlighted the need for some agencies to acquire data centre 
resources while the whole-of-government scheme was in development.

Sir Peter Gershon found that rationalising data centres in government 
departments and agencies would save $1 billion over 10 years.

The whole-of-government approach is expected to be ready later in the year.

"We have already had extensive interactions with industry and agencies 
to inform this strategy and are considering all the options available to 
us," Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner said.

"The Rudd Government is developing a comprehensive strategy to deliver 
the maximum benefit from our investment and utilisation of data centre 
resources over the next 10 to 15 years," Mr Tanner said.

This would be welcome news to providers such as Polaris, Technical Real 
Estate (TRE), TransACT, and Canberra Data Centres.

TRE director Andrew Campbell said it was good to see the requirements 
made public albeit for a limited time.

However, Mr Campbell said that in the long run, new facilities would 
have to be built.

"The EOI suggests that the Government was not looking for new data 
centre space but all the existing space that's available wouldn't match 
certain standards. For longer term requirements new data centre space 
will need to be built," he said.

Mr Campbell cautioned that for new centres to be developed industry 
would inadvertently look to the Government for financial backing.

"No one's going to build new data centre space without a pre-commitment 
from an investment-grade tenant, like the federal Government."

TRE is building a $1 billion green data centre in Canberra but the 
14,000sqm centre is slated to open in the second quarter of 2010.


Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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