[LINK] It's the business case, stupid

Bernard Robertson-Dunn brd at iimetro.com.au
Thu Oct 8 14:03:02 AEDT 2009

Back to one of my hobby horses.

Two contiguous reports at the government section of the Australian IT.

Is anyone starting to see a pattern? IMHO, the reason most projects fail 
(ie do not one or more of time, budget or expected performance) is 
because of the business case, not the implementation.

And governments make failure more likely because of all the extra 
requirements of probity, security etc. And before people start taking 
aim at Australian governments, the UK is even worse. 

$23m blowout in NSW IT project
Fran Foo
October 07, 2009
The Office of Information Technology in the Department of IT and 
Management - now part of the Services, Technology and Administration 
Department (DSTA) - was originally responsible for the project, which 
was doomed from the start, according to the report.
... etc

Grocery Choice site a money-waster
Blair Speedy
October 07, 2009
THE federal government's Grocery Choice website was flawed from the 
outset and unable to provide shoppers with meaningful price comparisons, 
a Senate committee has heard.
... etc


Bernard Robertson-Dunn
Canberra Australia
brd at iimetro.com.au

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