[LINK] not having a mobile phone

Michael Skeggs mike@bystander.net mskeggs at gmail.com
Sun Oct 11 22:19:49 AEDT 2009

I've also been in the situation of needing a bank account without a
permanent address (which ironically was required by my prospective
landlord). I don't think Danny's original observation was prompted by his
inability to subvert their system, but rather why have a system that was
trivial to subvert, and would be an inconvenience for some?

Michael Skeggs

2009/10/11 Ivan Trundle <ivan at itrundle.com>

> On 11/10/2009, at 6:25 PM, Danny Yee wrote:
> >> But on the serious side, you can't open a bank account without a
> >> permanent address, either - does this mean that not having a
> >> permanent
> >> address will be a criminal offence in 20 or 30 years?
> >
> > I was being hyperbolic.  But while I doubt the legal system will ever
> > require possession of a mobile phone, I forsee it being assumed in
> > more and more other contexts.
> Understood - but I was extending the envelope.
> The 'requirements' for transactions with any entity are often
> arbitrary, and usually based on assumptions made by those that fit the
> demographic. Looks like ubank are doing what comes naturally.
> And I've been in a situation when I didn't have a permanent address
> but needed to open a new bank account (travelling in northern Europe),
> and found it exceedingly difficult to do so. In the end, I found a
> proxy address which got the ball rolling. From then on, it was much
> simpler, though I did have to get mail forwarded to wherever I was,
> and that weak link eventually broke.
> I suspect the same applies to mobile phone requirements: quote a
> related number for now, and determine if that number is actually
> needed thereafter.
> iT
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