[LINK] Amazon hobbles UK Kindle

Ivan Trundle ivan at itrundle.com
Fri Oct 23 17:54:42 AEDT 2009

I gather that the non-US Kindle can access all of Wikipedia without  


On 23/10/2009, at 12:56 PM, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote:

> Amazon hobbles UK Kindle
> 22 Oct 2009 at 08:31
> PC Pro
> http://www.pcpro.co.uk/news/352684/amazon-hobbles-uk-kindle
> The Kindle International's 3G connection may be free, but it comes  
> with
> some serious restrictions, PC Pro has discovered.
> We've just received our review device, but upon trying to subscribe to
> various magazines and newspapers were greeted with the news that
> "Newspapers and magazines delivered outside the US will not include
> photos and other images."
> This even applies to the UK-based newspapers Amazon has signed a deal
> with, including The Times, The Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail The and
> Independent.
> And that's not the Kindle International's only limitation. Amazon has
> also disabled its inbuilt web browser, returning the message that "Due
> to local restrictions, web browsing is not available for all  
> countries",
> when you try to access it.
> The restrictions are likely to anger early adopters who will have paid
> over £200 for the Kindle International, once shipping costs and tax  
> are
> factored in.
> And this is before they discover that they're paying a 40% premium on
> eBooks. In the US, bestsllers and new releases cost $9.99, equating to
> around £6.30 at the current exchange rate. In the UK the same books  
> cost
> $13.99 or £8.44.
> "International customers do pay a higher price for their books than US
> customers due to higher operating costs outside of the US," an Amazon
> spokesperson confessed to The Guardian. "Additionally, VAT rates in  
> the
> EU are higher on ebooks than on print books."
> We've contacted Amazon to discover why magazines and newspapers  
> download
> without images, though it's most likely an attempt to cut down data
> charges. Amazon does not have a deal with a UK network to provide the
> Kindle's free mobile broadband connection. Instead it pays roaming
> charges through AT&T's Global Network.
> -- 
> Regards
> brd
> Bernard Robertson-Dunn
> Canberra Australia
> brd at iimetro.com.au
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Ivan Trundle
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