[LINK] Fwd: MR42-10: ACMA releases Five-year Spectrum Outlook for 2010-2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Home antonybbarry at gmail.com
Thu Apr 1 12:51:16 AEDT 2010

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Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Australian Communications & Media Authority"  
> <media at acma.gov.au>
> Date: 31 March 2010 1:02:12 PM AEDT
> To: <tony at tony-barry.emu.id.au>
> Subject: MR42-10: ACMA releases Five-year Spectrum Outlook for  
> 2010-2014 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
> Reply-To: media at acma.gov.au

> The Australian Communications and Media Authority today released its  
> Five-year Spectrum Outlook for 2010-2014 (the Outlook). The Outlook  
> contains the ACMA’s assessment of spectrum demand for different freq 
> uency bands and radiocommunications services.
> ‘The Outlook consolidates the ACMA’s thoughts on fundamental  
> issues that may affect spectrum availability and management in Austr 
> alia over the next five years. It also includes the ACMA’s prelimina 
> ry approaches and corresponding indicative work plan on how to deal  
> effectively with these issues,’ said ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman.
> This year, the Outlook focuses on demand for spectrum by fixed and  
> mobile wireless access services (WAS) applications, including:
> the review of arrangements in the 2.5 GHz band with the dual view of  
> moving the band to its highest value use, and
> providing long term certainty to electronic news gathering (ENG)  
> operators;
> information on the release of the 3.6 GHz band for users of  
> broadband WAS in regional areas;
> the intention to review parts of the 3.4 GHz band to ascertain if  
> WAS applications can be introduced in regional and remote areas; and
> the review of point to multipoint fixed services in specified parts  
> of the 3.4-3.59 GHz band to determine the most efficient use of the  
> band.
> The Outlook details a number of other significant updates, including:
> addressing the digital dividend in light of the Department of  
> Broadband Communications and the Digital Economy’s Digital Dividend  
> Green Paper;
> analysis of the proposed changes to arrangements for spectrum in the  
> 400 MHz band;
> the ACMA’s proposal to reassess the arrangements in the 380-400 MHz  
> band as part of its ongoing monitoring of government spectrum use, a 
> nd land mobile use in the 400 MHz band;
> detail of research on digital radio technologies and regional  
> licence areas, ahead of a government review to be conducted by 1  
> January 2011 under section 215A of the Broadcasting Services Act  
> 1992; and
> the ACMA’s proposed spectrum approach to the introduction of  
> ‘Smart Grids’ in Australia.
> ‘The Outlook’s role is a further tangible part of the ACMA’s  
> commitment to consultation, cooperation and collaboration with indus 
> try, Australian citizens, government and international compatriots o 
> n all spectrum matters,’ said Mr Chapman.
> The Five-year Spectrum Outlook for 2010-2014, including a detailed  
> list of substantive updates and further information on providing  
> submissions for the 2011-2015 Outlook can be found on the ACMA  
> website. http://www.emailhosts.com/ct/ctcount.php?key=008933210097140600002125
> The 2010-2014 Outlook will be made available in hardcopy at the ACMA 
> ’s RadComms2010 conference on 5 and 6 May 2010. http://www.emailhosts.com/ct/ctcount.php?key=0089332000971406000021 
> 25
> For more information or to arrange an interview please contact:  
> Donald Robertson, Media Manager, on (02) 9334 7980, 0418 86 1766 or media at acma.gov.au 
> .
> # # #
> The ACMA is Australia’s regulator for broadcasting, the internet, ra 
> diocommunications and telecommunications. The ACMA’s goal is to make 
>  communications and media work in Australia’s public interest. For m 
> ore information: www.acma.gov.au.
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